Cut out all the hustle + bustle this summer. Simplify your summer by having your child(ren) mark it in five ways:
1. Make a summer collection in a Mason Jar (i.e. seashells, pins of places visited, rolled up maps or menus).
2. Invite neighbors, family, old friends or new ones to a tea party. Make it elegant + scrumptious. Everyone should experience clotted cream by age 5!
3. Sit down to write a haiku (independently or together) that captures the summer.
4. Create a summer photo album (insert each family member's haiku). Review the summer albums together each year.
5. Go on a date with each child right before school starts. I like to do the same tradition with each child. For instance, I watch the sunset with one of my boys from the same spot every year. I skip rocks with my other son on the same beach each year.